Third Grade

Rhythmic Literacy - Fall

Anchor Standard:  Students become rhythmically literate.  Students are able to perform, creatively use, and communicate rhythmic elements.
Essential Question:  How are rhythm and meter created and communicated?
Enduring Understandings
Rhythm is the duration of sound.  Steady beat is the foundation for rhythmic learning and exploration.  Rhythm and beat can be organized into groups called meter.
3.R.Ka. Review rhythmic notes and values from 1st -2nd grade
3.R.K.b. Identify and understand the value for the whole note and whole rest and dotted half note
3.R.K.c. Recognize the strong beat in sets of 2 and sets of 3 (CFA)
3.R.P.a. Play/sing/move to songs that contain the whole note/rest
3.R.P.b. Read from notation songs that contain the whole note/rest and dotted half note
3.R.P.c. Take from dictation 4 beat patterns that contains notes learned in 1st-3rd grades (CFA)
3.R.P.d. Use movement to show the strong beat in meter of 2 and 3
3.R.C.a.  Create/perform original rhythmic patterns with 3 beats per measure and 4 beats per measure.  Compare and contrast compositions
3.R.C.b.  In small groups, combine/arrange and perform original rhythmic patterns using 2,3, or 4 beats per measure
3.R.R.a.  Listen and respond to the steady beat and rhythmic patterns in the works of famous composers.
3.R.R.b. Discuss how rhythm is present in other content areas such as reading or sports

Melodic Literacy - Winter

Anchor Standard:  Students become melodically literate.  Students can perform, creatively use, and communicate melodic and harmonic elements.
Essential Question:  How are melody and harmony created and communicated?
Enduring Understandings
Music is organized sound.  Melody is organized pitch.  Melody is also organized by direction and duration.  Harmony is created when two or more sounds are produced together.
3.M.K.a Experience hand signs for the major scale focusing on mi, re, and do
3.M.K.b. Identify the pitch of the lines and spaces for the treble clef
3.M.K.c. Identify steps and skips and repeated notes as well as their direction on the staff
3.M.K.d. Recognize do-re-mi as a step pattern and do-mi as a skip
3.M.P.a. Sing and play a variety of songs that contain combinations of do-re-mi (CFA)
3.M.P.b. Read and decode do,re,mi patterns from the staff
3.M.P.c. Take dictation (traditional or non-traditional notation) using combinations of so, mi, la, and do
3M.P.d. Sing and play a variety of rounds and partner songs
3.M.P.e. Accompany songs with classroom instruments both pitched and unpitched
3.M.C.a.  Improvise using a combination of mi,re,do vocally or on pitched instruments
3.M.C.b. Individually or as a class compose/play a song using a combination of do, re, mi
3M.C.c. Use instruments to create new textures for a song and justify choices
3.M.R.a. Sing songs from a variety of cultures and for varied seasons
3.M.R.b. Respond to music in relationship to history and culture
3.M.R.c. Listen and identify melodic patterns that use do,re,mi (CFA)

Expressive Elements - Spring

Anchor Standard:  Students recognize signs and symbols for musical expression.  Students can effectively use and manipulate expressive elements.
Essential Question:  How does a musician use the elements of expression to communicate their music?  How can I use the elements of expression to express my own ideas and feelings?
Enduring Understandings
Musicians express themselves through the use of tonality, form, dynamics, tempo, style, and instrumentation.  Learning to manipulate these elements helps to communicate our musical ideas with others.
3.E.K.a. Identify the vocabulary for loud-forte/soft-piano, < gradually get louder, crescendo and > gradually get softer, crescendo
3.E.K.b. Understand the concept and identify the vocabulary for fast - allegro and slow- lento
3.E.K.c. Understand that music has form – focus on AB form
3.E.K.d. Know the names of the four orchestral instrument families, begin introducing instruments
3.E.P.a. Perform songs and poems with contrasting dynamics
3.E.P.b. Perform songs with poems with contrasting tempos
3.E.P.c. Use movement to contrast between A and B sections of a piece of music
3.E.C.a. Plan and perform dynamics to accompany a poem or song (CFA)
3.E.R.a. Listen and respond to a variety of folk and classical music.  Use appropriate vocabulary to identify expressive elements and instruments/voices. (CFA)
3.E.R.b. Use another discipline (art, reading, writing, math) to respond to expressive elements in a listening example